41 Best Nanny Interview Questions For Different Age Groups

Our guide to nanny interview questions will help you evaluate a nanny’s experience, qualifications, and personality, ensuring you find the perfect caregiver for your child.

It is important to have a reliable and trustworthy nanny to take care of your children in today’s world, where an increasing number of families have two working parents. Finding the perfect nanny who understands your kid’s needs and can seamlessly become a part of your family can be challenging.

This guide offers invaluable insights into the questions you must ask during the nanny interview. You can choose the best nanny for your child’s development and well-being, even when you aren’t there, by asking the proper nanny interview questions for the various age groups.

So, If you are a busy parent searching for the perfect nanny to entrust with your child’s care, in that case, this article will help you make a well-informed choice, ensuring a nurturing and encouraging environment for your child by providing you with the right list of nanny interview questions.

Best Nanny interview questions

Importance of Asking the Questions To Nanny:

Finding the right nanny for your kid is significant. Asking questions is vital to ensuring your child’s safety and happiness. Ask the new nanny about experience, discipline, and safety measures. Feel free to interview the nanny and request references. Asking the right questions can help you find the perfect nanny for your kid.

Here You will find the list of the interview questions for the nanny. I have classified the questions according to the age group of the kid.

Best Nanny Interview Questions

1. Basic Questions:

When interviewing the nanny, getting to know the nanny and her background is important. Ensure the conversation flows naturally and that the candidate gives you sufficient answers.

You can begin by asking some basic background questions to help you understand their experience and suitability for the job.
Such as:

  1. How long have you been working as a nanny?
  2. What age ranges have you taken care of?
  3. Which age group do you prefer to look after? Why?
  4. Do you have any past employment or experience that would be helpful as a nanny?
  5. How do you handle discipline or behaviour issues with children?
  6. Are you comfortable with light housekeeping duties related to the children?
  7. What activities do you like to do with children?
  8. According to you, what is an essential quality for a nanny to have?
  9. Can you give an example of when you had to handle an emergency while caring for children?
  10. Do you have any certifications or training related to child care?

Nanny Interview Questions for Different Age Groups:

2. Newborn to 1 Year:

questions for nanny interview for Newborn to 1 Year

Newborn to 1 Year is a crucial time in a baby’s life when they need utmost care and attention. As a nanny, your responsibilities during this phase include feeding and changing diapers and ensuring that the baby feels loved and secure.

You must be aware of the baby’s needs, habits, and sleeping patterns to create a nurturing environment. Here are some questions you can expect during a nanny interview for newborn to 1-year-old babies:

  1. How do you handle a crying baby?
  2. What should you do if the baby won’t stop crying?
  3. How long do you think a baby should be allowed to cry?
  4. How long do you think a newborn should be left before being fed?
  5. What techniques do you find most effective for teaching a baby to sleep through the night?
  6. Do you know baby sign language?
  7. How would you encourage the baby to bond with you at this age?

3. 1 To 2 Years:

1 To 2 Years

There are many factors to consider when caring for a child between the ages of one and two. Children are starting to become more independent and explore their surroundings at this age, but they still require much attention and care.

As a nanny, it’s important to understand her primary responsibility towards the child and how to engage kids in age-appropriate activities. Here are a few questions:

  1. What do you believe to be your main duty to a child of this age?
  2. What kinds of activities would you do with a kid this age?
  3. What is your general philosophy on discipline at this age?
  4. How would you handle the following: throwing things or tearing books?
  5. If our child wanted to play/read/etc. While you were cleaning up something, what would you do?
  6. How would you handle a tantrum in a grocery store?
  7. How would you handle a tantrum in our home?
  8. What is your philosophy on letting children explore their surroundings?
  9. What would you do to encourage the child to bond with you at this age?

4. 2 To 3 Years:

2 To 3 Years

Toddlers aged 2 to 3 years need outdoor play, interaction with other kids, educational activities, and creative indoor play. Nannies should have a clear discipline philosophy and use positive reinforcement.

Potty training should be approached with patience and positivity. To encourage bonding, nannies should engage in activities that the child enjoys.

Consistency and patience are important for building a solid relationship. Here are a few interview questions:

  1. What place in a child’s day should outdoor play and interaction with other toddlers have?
  2. What educational activities would you engage in at this age?
  3. What indoor/rainy day activities would you engage in at this age?
  4. What is your general philosophy on discipline at this age?
  5. How would you handle a tantrum in a grocery store?
  6. How would you handle a tantrum in our home?
  7. How do you feel potty training should be approached?

5. 3 To 5 Years:

3 To 5 Years

When caring for 3-5-year-old children, it’s important to find a balance between allowing them to explore and providing necessary discipline. Effective discipline includes positive reinforcement, clear boundaries, and redirection.

Educational activities should stimulate their creativity and imagination. It’s important to clarify the nanny’s stance on preschool and whether they can supervise playtime and activities.

Nanny interview questions for this age group should cover discipline, education, preschool, and willingness to supervise activities. Nanny Interview Questions for 3 to 5 Years Old Kids:

  1. What methods of discipline do you find effective for this age?
  2. What types of educational activities would you engage in at this age?
  3. What is your opinion on preschool for children this age?
  4. Are you willing to supervise playtime with other children in our home and/or take our child to gymnastics/activity groups, which may or may not require your active participation?

6. 5 To 12 years:

5 To 12 years

Caring for children between 5 and 12 requires a nanny who is comfortable with outdoor play, homework assistance, and supervising friends. Important questions to ask a nanny include their experience with outdoor activities, how they approach homework, and how they handle situations with visiting friends.

It’s also important to ask about their training in emergency procedures and their preferred activities for engaging children. Nanny Interview Questions for 5 to 12 Years Old Kids:

  1. What is your experience with outdoor play, and how do you ensure the safety of children?
  2. How do you feel about reviewing and assisting with homework, and what strategies do you use to help children learn?
  3. Have you received any training on first aid and emergency procedures, and how would you handle an emergency situation with a child?
  4. What games do you enjoy playing with kids between the ages of 5 and 12? How do you involve and motivate them to learn and explore?


Asking the right questions during the nanny interview process is crucial to finding the perfect fit for your family. By focusing on real-life scenarios and age-specific requirements, you can confidently choose a nanny who will provide your child with a nurturing and safe environment.

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