Top 15 Digital Marketing Jobs for Specialists & Managers (with High Salary)

Digital marketing is a rapidly growing industry. The digitalization of the world has made it possible for all businesses to expand their reach through digital platforms. As technology advances, so does the popularity of this field. 

You can now use specific tools to create targeted messages that are being delivered worldwide in seconds using social media networks and search engines among other strategies.

Since online marketing is growing rapidly, there are many digital marketing jobs available in the industry. 

Top 15 Digital Marketing Jobs with High Salary

Digital Marketing Jobs

Check out job profiles that you can consider if you have an interest in working as a digital marketing professional in this field.

1) Digital Marketing Strategist

This is one of the most popular digital marketing jobs today, especially since startups prefer promoting their brand and products online rather than traditional advertising like billboards or ads on TV or  radio. 

A digital marketing strategist ensures that the business receives high quality leads by creating a strategic plan for online marketing which includes researching keywords, creating content, doing social media marketing among other tasks.

Average salary of digital marketing strategist: $58,000 per year

2) SEO Specialist

An SEO (search engine optimization) specialist is responsible for ensuring that web pages are well ranked in search engines like Google and Bing when people search for keywords related to their products. 

This job requires you to take advantage of the keywords being searched on the internet so as to bring more traffic to your site or page through organic results.

You must have good knowledge of SEO that includes on-page SEO, technical SEO and off-page SEO.

Average salary of SEO Specialist: $45,000 per year

3) Social Media Strategist

No matter what industry you’re in, businesses need good digital marketing. One of the integral components for this strategy is social media marketing. You can manage different accounts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram among others.

Your task is to spread brand awareness, create loyal followers through posts of specific content that will help your business gain success.

Average salary of social media strategist: $55,000 per year

4) Analytics Manager

This job requires expertise in various strategies used in digital marketing. You need to understand the goals of a company and how you can use web analytics, data mining among other strategies to boost leads. 

The role requires you to know how to get insights from customer behavior so as to determine what approach should be taken for digital marketing campaigns.

Average salary of analytics manager: $90,000 per year

5) Digital Marketing Analyst

This job entails being responsible for finding ways that will help increase online sales. You have the task of measuring traffic generated by different marketing campaigns then analyse it to come up with a strategy that will promote more sales. 

One of your primary responsibilities is providing reports on the success or failure of campaigns in order to help businesses improve their current approaches when it comes to promoting brand awareness online. With this knowledge, you can make better decisions about future promotional strategies.

Average salary of digital marketing analyst: $50,000 per year

6) Copywriter

Another role you can consider if you want to work in digital marketing is a copywriter. This job entails creating advertising materials which include video scripts, ads, promotional write ups among other tasks. 

An important part of this position is customer engagement as you need to understand the client’s needs then come up with appropriate messages they’ll embrace.

Average salary of digital marketing analyst: $60,000 per year

7) Social Media Manager

A social media manager is someone who manages and posts daily updates on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter through various accounts. You need to know how you can create content that will engage users of different social media networks. 

Sharing relevant posts, commenting on other pages as well as creating online contests are just some of the ways that you can boost traffic to your site or page. One of your tasks is also monitoring conversations about a brand so as to measure its digital marketing efforts.

If there are negative sentiments, you have to find ways of addressing them in a way that does not affect the company’s image negatively .

Average salary of digital marketing analyst: $60,000 per year

8) Content Strategist

This job entails creating content that will interest potential clients and increase brand awareness. There are various platforms like blogs, Instagram among other social media networks where you need to share content that will appeal to your clients. 

You have the task of coming up with messages, posts and images that are relevant in terms of business goals. One of your tasks is also analyzing customer behavior so as to identify what type of content is currently popular with various groups then ensure this is included in future promotional strategies.

Average salary of Content Strategist: $64,000 per year

9) Social Analytics Expert

One of the roles you can consider if you want a high salary digital marketing job is social analytics expert. This job entails tracking social media channels for all mentions related to a certain brand so as to determine whether there has been community growth or decline . 

Your primary responsibility is finding innovative ways through which customers can engage with brands online . For example, if people are complaining about a product or service offered by an organization, you have to come up with strategies that will address these concerns.

Average salary of social analytics expert: $45,000 per year

10) Digital PR Expert

This job entails knowing how to handle online comments and posts that are not consistent with a brand’s image. You have to come up with proactive strategies so as to change the negative perception people have about your company. 

Your aim is building a good reputation for the brand through various means including finding ways of minimizing mistakes posted by customers on social media sites. This role requires you to be active on different social media networks so as to engage with potential clients.

Average salary of digital PR expert: $45,000 per year

11) Community Manager

This job entails promoting products, pages and tweets through effective engagement strategies . For example, if your client wants more followers on Twitter or Facebook, you may be required to make creative images or videos that will capture attention then post them online. 

One of the focuses of this job is also to help clients enhance engagement by finding out what their customers need so as to give them better services.

Average salary of Community Manager: $62,000 per year

12) Email Marketing Expert

As an email marketing expert, you are required to create highly engaging copies that can be used to send email campaigns. If you want to work in digital marketing, focus on becoming an email marketing expert since it’s one of the most effective strategies for communication between organizations and customers. 

For example, if your client wants to send sales emails at appropriate times, you have to ensure that these are not blocked by spam filters. 

You may be required to create special newsletters which can help boost interaction among customers . If there are changes that need to be made on existing pages, you should come up with strategies that will allow customers to know about these updates.

Average salary of email marketing expert: $45,000 per year

13) Digital Content Curator 

Curating content is another job that will work well with digital marketing. You have to find ways of monitoring what’s trending in your company or industry so as to determine which type of content should be included on the website . 

For example, if there are important changes taking place in an organization, you can create infographics so as to communicate these updates effectively to clients.

On the other hand, if you are interested in social media, you can come up with strategies that will help boost community growth.

Average salary of Digital Content Curator: $60,000 per year


As you can see, there are different digital marketing careers that you can pursue. For example, if you want to come up with strategies that enhance community growth online , you may prefer becoming an email marketing expert or social media strategist . 

You also have the option of focusing on creating useful content so as to help customers in their decision making process when using a particular product or service.

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