How To Answer What Interests You About This Position?

In this article, find expert Tips on how to answer ‘what interests you about this position and find the best answers to stand out in an interview.
How To Answer What Interests You About This Position

Have you ever wondered why interviewers ask, “What interests you about this position?” It’s an important question that allows you to show your excitement and suitability for the job.

By understanding why this question is asked and how to give a strong answer, you can impress the interviewer and stand out as the ideal candidate.

In this article, we’ll explain the significance of answering this question well and provide practical tips and examples to help you excel in your next interview.

How To Answer What Interests You About This Position

Why Is This Question Important?

Have you ever wondered why interviewers ask, “What interests you about this position?” Well, let’s break it down.

When interviewers ask this question, the interviewer wants to know what excites and motivates you about the job. The interviewer is trying to assess if you’re a good fit for the role and if you truly understand what it involves.

It is an opportunity to showcase your passion and demonstrate that you are the perfect candidate. So, let’s dive into this and discover how you can ace your response.

How to Answer “What Interests You About This Position?”

1. Focus on Yourself

When answering the question, “What interests you about this position?” it’s essential to show that you are a good fit for the role and have personal goals in mind.

Fit with the Team

Talk about how well you would work with the company’s team. If the company’s values and work environment match your own, mention this and explain why it’s important to you.

Career Growth

Share your interest in growing within the company in the long term. Explain how you see yourself advancing and developing your skills over time.

Also Read: How to Answer – Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

Match Skills

Highlight how your skills and experience align with the job’s requirements. Point out specific areas where your background makes you a strong candidate.

2. Focus on the Company

It’s essential to show that you know about the company and are genuinely interested in it.

Company Reputation:

Mention any impressive things you know about the company. Please explain what you admire and how it matches your own professional goals.

Mission and Values:

Discuss how the company’s mission and values resonate with you. Please explain how your skills can contribute to their goals.

3. Focus on the Role

Highlight how your skills and experience align with the job requirements and discuss the growth opportunities.

Skills and Experience:

Emphasize how your specific skills make you a good fit for the position. Give examples of how you’ve used those skills before.

Growth Opportunities:

Discuss how the role offers personal and professional growth opportunities. Explain how you see yourself developing new skills and advancing in the company.

By addressing these areas—your fit for the role, your interest in the company, and the growth opportunities—you can firmly answer the question, “What interests you about this position?”

Also Read:

Best Answers For “What Interests You About This Position”

1. “I’m excited about this job because it perfectly matches my skills and interests. I love the teamwork and creativity in the work environment. This role offers great opportunities for me to grow and develop personally and professionally, which I value.”

2. “What interests me about this job is the company itself. I’m impressed by their reputation and how they make a positive impact. Their values align with mine, and I want to contribute to their mission. Being part of a team that creates meaningful change excites me.”

3. “I’m very interested in this job because the responsibilities mentioned in the job description appeal to me. I know I can achieve great results with my experience and skills in [relevant experience or skills]. I’m motivated to contribute to the team’s success and develop my career in this role.”

4. “What interests me about this job is the industry itself. I’m passionate about [industry name] and always keep up with the latest trends and advancements. Applying my skills and knowledge in such a dynamic field is thrilling and fulfilling. I want to be part of an evolving industry and make a difference.”

5. “I’m genuinely interested in this job because of the company’s culture and work environment. I love how they promote teamwork and create a positive atmosphere. Working in such an environment will allow me to thrive and contribute to the team’s success. I’m excited to collaborate with like-minded individuals committed to excellence.”


Remember that your response to the question, “What interests you about this position?” is an opportunity to make a lasting impression.

Use the tips and examples given to create your own compelling answer. Be confident and genuine, letting your true interest in the role shines through. Good luck with your interview!

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