12 Best Tips to Make Friends In College

Are you frustrated with the feeling “why can’t I make friends”? This guide will help to meet new people, make new friends in college and even in a new city

When we enter a college, we’re actually entering a whole new world. That’s because we’re in a stage from dependence to some level of independence. This isn’t something only you’ll feel. In fact, most students at college feel the same.

As a result, we’re often shy to meet new people. Unlike school or high school, there’s no formal introduction or anything of that sort at college.

In fact, lots of students would have come from other states and even other countries. Therefore, meeting these newcomers often becomes quite a challenge.

If you are going to college and worried about meeting new people and making new friends, continue reading. In this article, I will discuss how to make friends in college in very easy ways.

As a matter of fact, friends we make at college can remain with us throughout our life. Nowadays, we have lots of social media networks that allow us to stay connected with classmates and college mates.

Actually, I suggest strongly that you read this article till the end because each para is loaded with information that you can actually use to make friends at college.

How to Make Friends

Making Friends at College

Making friends at college isn’t as difficult as you might imagine. In fact, it’s much easier than most people think. However, it needs a willingness to take some steps and some effort to make friends at college.

Therefore, let’s start discussing these steps. Actually, these are very easy and all you require is a willingness to sometimes, go out of your way to make friends. Remember, no effort, no gains.

1. Arrive Early at College

Arrive Early at College

There’s an ancient proverb that says, the early bird catches the worm. This means, those who rise and are in action early can get the best of things. The same axiom holds true for making friends at college.

When you arrive early, you can meet some newcomers that’re looking for the classroom or require some information. You’ll find lots of students sitting around the campus alone. You can sit next to them and try to start a conversation.

2. Meals at College Café

Meals at College Café

The college café is the best place to make some friends. Usually, the café will see a lot of students during the break and sometimes, all the time too. This means, you’ll have to share a table with some students from the college.

If you find an empty seat, politely ask if it’s vacant and sit there. Either someone on the table will try to talk with you, or you can take the initiative and start a conversation. Mostly, you will come across friendly people at the café. You can also look for classmates and if possible, join them at the table.

3. Never Make False Claims

Never Make False Claim

Obviously, a college is a place where students from all types of families will come. This means, there would be some students that’re richer than you and others poorer. Therefore, one of the things that you should avoid is making tall claims about yourself and your family.

Often, some students try to get into some self-imagined “elite” group by saying they come from very wealthy families and similar stuff.

Or, they boast that they can play some game very well or even have a special art. You can become a laughing stock and subject of ridicule if you make tall claims that prove false later.

4. Exchange College Notes

Exchange College Notes

One of the best ways to make friends at college is by exchanging college notes. Obviously, there would be one or more students that miss a class for any reason. Should you notice that, offer your college notes.

This shows that you care for the person. Such a gesture helps you make friends almost immediately. These students will view you as a good friend and classmate.

However, make sure that your college notes are clear and easy to understand. This means, you’ve to write them in a manner that others can read easily.

5. Join College Clubs

Join College Clubs

Usually, colleges have all sorts of clubs as part of their co-curricular activities. These would be related to your field of study. For example, you might have a poetic society at the college, if you’re studying literature or a photography club, should you be studying fine arts.

It’s a well-known fact that people that share a common hobby or interest usually come together faster. At such clubs, you’ll find similar-minded people with whom you could start a discussion or speak about the hobby or activity and exchange notes. This definitely helps build friendships at college.

6. Host Parties

Host Parties

If you can afford some money, host a small party at your dorm for a few students that you would like to know better and become friends with. Understandably, every college has rules about parties at dorms.

This means, you’ll have to comply with these rules and regulations. These are easily available from the admin office at every college or dorm. Hosting a small party helps break ice with people whom you see or know very little.

When they attend your small party, it shows they’re willing to offer their friendship. Now, only you have to take the initiative and offer your friendship to these students.

7. Friends in Faculty

Friends in Faculty

A lot of students believe that only their peers, juniors or seniors can be friends at a college. That’s wrong thinking. As a matter of fact, you can also become friends with some faculty members.

Here, it’s worth knowing that everyone in the faculty was also a college student at some point of time. They’ll be very open to becoming your friend, if you approach. In fact, a faculty member can often offer a lot of guidance to you as a friend, instead of their official capacity.

Friendship with faculty and staff also has a lot of other benefits: you can leverage their references when looking for internships and jobs, upon completion of studies.

8. Accept All Invitations

You’ll get a lot of invitations to college. These invitations would be for everything such as watching movies, having a meal, parties or even going for shopping or a simple walk, attending a game or visiting the gym, among other activities.

There will be times when you have several invitations. Accept all invitations and attend. This is one of the quickest ways to make friends at college. When you attend, you’ll actually get a good chance to meet others at the college or even from some other colleges.

9. Invite On Facebook

Invite On Facebook

Nowadays, we have Facebook. For those who don’t know the history of Facebook, this social media platform actually began as an initiative to unite college students and help them exchange notes. Surely, you’ll have a Facebook account.

If you don’t, it’s simple to make one, within a few minutes. Facebook is free. Invite classmates and other students in the college to join as friends on your Facebook page.

You can post pictures with your college mates and tag them along. This does help in bonding easily with college mates and fosters friendships.

10. Right Mix of Friends

Right Mix of Friends

Generally, people that’re shy or reluctant to speak with persons of another gender, can end up having only male or female friends. There’s nothing wrong in having a lot of male friends, if you’re one.

However, too many of them means, you’re not interested in friendship with females. That shouldn’t be the case. Therefore, you should have the right blend of friends- both females and males.

If you’re a male and reluctant to approach female classmates, you can do so through a friend, once you have one.

11. Stay Off Addictions

Stay Off Addictions

It’s very easy to find friends that share the same addiction. These include smoking, consuming alcohol or using drugs. There’s one important factor that college students always forget. Smoking or drinking doesn’t help make friends. In fact, you could lose a lot of them.

That’s because ordinary people shun addicts and their vices. If you use drugs, smoke or consume alcohol, some students will frown at your habits and also break away from you. Drinking is fine in moderation and that too, when done with others

12. Volunteer


A lot of college students volunteer to donate their efforts to some worthy cause. Volunteering brings you together with a lot of people from different cultures and backgrounds. It boosts your own self-confidence and you get superb opportunities with other students.

Sometimes, you might also meet your peers from other colleges in the area. Therefore, look for volunteering opportunities at your college. You can find a lot of them. Alternatively, you can form a group of volunteers to do something worthwhile and help others at the college.

Closing Thoughts

Basically, making friends means having an open mind. It means, accepting another person for their good as well as bad qualities. We’re humans and hence, imperfect.

Therefore, you’ve to understand that there’s nothing known as perfect friends in the world. If you’re willing to accept people as they are and still spend quality time with them, you can find a lot of friends at college.

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