7 Amazing Ways to Earn Money as an Interior Designer

Discover effective ways to increase your income as an interior designer. Explore new opportunities and strategies to grow your interior design business.
Ways to earn money as an interior designer

As an interior designer, you love creating beautiful spaces. But sometimes, it can be tough to figure out how to make a steady income from your passion.

With the growing demand for well-designed homes and offices, there are more opportunities than ever to earn money in this field. However, sticking to just one way of working might limit how much you can make.

This article will explore different ways you can increase your income as an interior designer. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your business, these practical tips will help you find new ways to earn money.

From personalized consultations to working with brands and selling design guides, you’ll discover how to turn your design skills into a profitable business.

By addressing common challenges like finding regular clients and expanding your services, you can make the most of the opportunities available today. Read in and see how you can increase your income while doing what you love.

7 Ways to Earn Passive Income As An Interior Designer

1. Offer Personalized Interior Design Consultations

One great way to earn money as an interior designer is by offering one-on-one consultations. These personalized sessions can be very profitable because they allow you to provide customised advice directly to your clients.

During these consultations, you can help clients solve specific design problems, choose the right colors, furniture, and decor, or plan a complete room makeover.

What makes these consultations valuable is that they are customized to meet the unique needs of each client. Every home is different, and people have different tastes and budgets.

By understanding what your clients want and offering advice that fits their style and needs, you can build a strong relationship with them and ensure they get the results they’re looking for. This personalized approach not only helps your clients but also allows you to charge more for your expertise.

2. Provide Virtual Design Services

Another effective way to expand your income as an interior designer is by offering virtual design services. With virtual design packages, you can reach clients from anywhere, not just those in your local area.

This opens up a much larger client base and allows you to work with people who might not have access to interior designers in their location.

To offer virtual design services, you can use various online tools and platforms. For example, video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet allow you to have face-to-face consultations with clients.

Design software like SketchUp or AutoCAD helps you create detailed plans and 3D models that you can share with clients digitally. There are also specialized platforms like Houzz or Modsy, where you can showcase your work and connect with potential clients.

By providing virtual design services, you make it easier for clients to get professional help without the need for in-person meetings. This convenience can attract more clients, and because you can work with people from different regions, you have the potential to increase your earnings significantly.

3. Collaborate with Brands as an Influencer

Becoming an influencer in the design industry can help you earn more as an interior designer. By working with well-known brands, you can share products that match your design style and appeal to your audience.

These partnerships can include home decor and home furnishing brands, as well as other items related to home design, like beautiful simple wall paintings or stylish crockery. By featuring these products in your projects, you can offer genuine recommendations that help your followers improve their spaces, while also increasing your income.

To build your personal brand, start by creating a strong online presence. Share your projects and ideas on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube, and engage with your audience by providing valuable content. The more you interact with your followers, the more likely you are to attract brand partnerships.

To make the most out of these collaborations, ensure that you’re fairly compensated. This could be through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or receiving free products. Always maintain transparency with your audience about these partnerships to build trust and keep your recommendations authentic.

By working with a variety of brands that align with your design work, you can diversify your income and enhance your portfolio, all while staying true to your personal style and the interests of your audience.

4. Create and Sell DIY Design Guides or E-books

Creating and selling DIY design guides or e-books can be a valuable way to earn money as an interior designer. These guides allow you to share your expertise with a broader audience, including people who may not be able to hire you for full design services.

By offering practical advice and easy-to-follow instructions, you can help homeowners improve their spaces on their own, while also generating a steady income from your knowledge.

There are many topics you can cover in these guides, depending on your area of expertise. For example, you might create a guide on simple home improvement ideas.

Other popular topics could include decorating on a budget, choosing the right colour schemes, or step-by-step instructions for DIY projects like building shelves or creating custom wall art.

By focusing on practical, in-demand topics, you can create guides that people are willing to pay for. These DIY guides can be sold through your website, on platforms like Amazon, or even as part of a package with your other services. This approach not only allows you to reach a wider audience but also helps you build your brand as an expert in the field.

5. Partner with Real Estate Agents for Home Staging

Partnering with real estate agents to stage homes for sale can be a highly effective way to increase your income as an interior designer. Home staging is the process of preparing a property to look its best for potential buyers, and real estate agents often seek the help of designers to make homes more appealing.

By collaborating with agents, you can provide a valuable service that helps them sell homes faster and for higher prices.

One of the key benefits of home staging is that it can be a consistent source of income. Unlike full-scale interior design projects, which can be time-consuming and less frequent, staging jobs are often quicker and more regular, especially in a busy real estate market. This means you can take on multiple staging projects in a short amount of time, leading to a steady stream of work and income.

Additionally, working with real estate agents helps you expand your professional network. Successful staging can lead to more referrals from agents, as well as potential new clients who see your work in staged homes.

Over time, this can help you build a strong reputation in the industry and open up more opportunities for design projects beyond staging.

6. Teach Interior Design Workshops or Courses

Teaching interior design workshops, whether online or in-person, is a great way to share your expertise and earn extra income. Online workshops allow you to reach a global audience through platforms like Udemy or Skillshare, while in-person sessions offer hands-on learning experiences. 

When creating your curriculum, focus on practical topics that appeal to both amateur designers and homeowners, such as color theory, space planning, or DIY projects. Keep the lessons simple and engaging, and consider offering additional resources like worksheets or templates to add value.

7. Start a Design Blog or YouTube Channel

Starting a design blog or YouTube channel allows you to share your expertise with a wide audience and build your brand as an interior designer. By offering design tips, DIY tutorials, or behind-the-scenes looks at your projects, you can attract followers who are interested in your style and approach.

Monetization strategies include affiliate marketing, where you earn a commission by recommending products; ad revenue from platforms like Google AdSense; and sponsored content, where brands pay you to feature their products. Over time, these income streams can grow as your audience expands, providing a steady source of passive income.


There are numerous ways to turn your passion for interior design into a profitable business. By exploring these diverse income streams—like consultations, virtual services, brand collaborations, and online courses—you can expand your reach, grow your brand, and secure a steady income while doing what you love.

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